Game Stats

Generates some useful stats in the right top corner of the game, including FPS, ping, and more!

Install Source This mod is broken.

This mod adds a display with useful stats in the top right of the screen, showing Frames per Second (FPS), Ping to the server (PING), Critters in current Room (CIR), and Total Amount of Critters online (ON), in the same style as the coins display! The stats update continuously (FPS and CIR immediately; PING and ON every 15 seconds when active or every 60 seconds when inactive for more than 5 minutes). It adds the functionality that clicking either the coins or the stats will make both almost transparent (until clicked again). Special thanks to SArpnt and to Tumble, whose “FPS” mod is included inside the stats! UPDATE: GameStats now makes your game run at the same framerate as your screen!

Requirements (Install in order)